76- My son wore a wonderful monster mask for Halloween.

77- The Japanese monster Godzilla can fly by firing a blast of energy from his mouth, thereby projecting himself backwards through space.

78- The Apemen of Jupiter didn't find the people of earth very tasty, so the monsters from Planet 9 suggested they try roasting them with garlic and herbs.

79- The monsters cheered with delight when their supper of crunchy, baked rocks was served.

80- The monster happily filled his sack with bad children, and went home to have a barbecue.

81- The Japanese monster Godzilla can fly by firing a blast of energy from his mouth, thereby projecting himself backwards through space.

82- People have claimed that a mysterious monster lives in Loch Ness, Scotland since the 14th century.

83- People of the earth - we must unite if we hope to be successful against this attack by the monsters of Pluto and Jupiter.

84- The rocks the monsters were throwing in the movie were actually just hollow blocks of plastic.

85- Her husband was a monster who abused her for twenty years.

86- André Gide once said that there are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them.

87- The abominable snowman is a Himalayan monster.

88- They are monsters, offspring of the devil, children of hatred and loathing, spawn of death and destruction.

89- The villagers used torches to chase the monster back to the castle.

90- The villagers clung together in fear as the monster drew nearer.

91- The children gasped in fright when the monster appeared on stage.

92- The castle is really creepy.

93- It looks like a place where monsters would live.

94- The Loch Ness monster is one of the great mysteries of our time.

95- Does it really exist or is it just a hoax?People often think of bats as blood-sucking monsters, but actually most bats just eat insects.

96- The villagers used torches to chase the monster back to the castle.

97- Poseidon caused King Minos' wife to fall in love with a bull, and the offspring of their unnatural union was the Minotaur, a monster which was half man and half bull.

98- It's true that he saw a monster.


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