51- Believe it or not, a monster emerged from the bush.

52- Fighting with monsters all over the world .

53- .

54- .

55- I just can't wait.

56- The villagers fought mightily against the monsters and drove them from their lands.

57- Believe it or not, a monster emerged from the cave.

58- The woman gasped, and shrank against the wall as the monster approached her.

59- The monster carried the limp body of the dead girl up to the castle.

60- The people of the planet Jupiter look like ugly monsters, half human and half crocodile, but they are quite friendly, and a lot of fun at a party.

61- He was the most famous person at the party, but because he monopolized the conversation, people soon got tired of listening to him.

62- monsterThe Apemen of Jupiter didn't find the people of earth very tasty, so the monsters from Planet 9 suggested they try roasting them with garlic and herbs.

63- The monster stood silhouetted on the horizon, with the castle looming dark behind him.

64- The monsters in the movie threw huge blocks of foam painted to simulate boulders at each other.

65- They are monsters, offspring of the devil, children of hatred and loathing, spawn of death and destruction.

66- Stewart is a very imaginative little boy who writes wonderful stories of aliens and monsters.

67- The monster rose from the mud and howled at the full moon.

68- The little boy stared in terror at the monsters standing outside his door on Halloween night.

69- The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

70- The monster carried the limp body of the dead girl up to the castle.

71- The children gasped in fright when the monster appeared on stage.

72- John Hobbes maintained that men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call destiny.

73- henceThe Japanese monster Godzilla can fly by firing a blast of energy from his mouth, thereby projecting himself backwards through space.

74- The monster happily filled his sack with bad children, and went home to have a barbecue.

75- Don't ever try to babysit the Henderson kids, they're both little monsters.

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