1- Michael McCarthy wrote that the purpose of vocabulary learning should include both remembering words and the ability to use them automatically in a wide range of language contexts when the need arises.

2- Our smile, which is understandable in the context of Japanese culture, sometimes causes a lot of confusion and is notorious among foreign people as a mysterious smile.

3- The meaning of words can change according to their context.

4- context clues are often useful in helping you figure out the meaning of new vocabulary.

5- Research suggests that the decontextualised learning of vocabulary is not sufficient to allow a student to truly know and be able to use a word.

6- Memorizing a long list of sentences is not a very efficient way of learning vocabulary.

7- You need to look at a variety of contexts in order to really understand the word or expression.

8- The meaning of a word can sometimes be derived from its context.

9- Social context has been shown to have a great influence on individual behavior.

10- Find someone who often attempts to deduce the meaning of new words from context.

11- deductPaul Nation states that knowing a word includes knowing the concept behind the word which will allow understanding in a variety of contexts.

12- New vocabulary which is uncontextualized can be difficult to understand clearly.

13- contingentScientist Carl Sagan said that it is of interest to note that while some dolphins have learned English, up to fifty words used in correct context, no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.

14- Averil Coxhead has noted that you can look for a word's core meaning by looking for similarities in meanings of that word in different contexts.

15- Research suggests that the decontextualised learning of vocabulary is not sufficient to allow a student to truly know and be able to use a word.

16- Recent research into language learning demonstrates that when learners encounter words in a variety of contexts they are able to retain and use them flexibly.

17- retaliateSo-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

18- Vocabulary is generally easier to understand if you look at it in context.

19- It is better to try to figure out the meaning of new vocabulary by looking at it in context, rather than always simply looking it up in the dictionary.

20- So-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

21- Find someone who is content with his life.

22- contextSo-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

23- When trying to discover the meaning of new vocabulary, it helps to look at contextual clues, such as the position of the word in a sentence.

24- In the context of his religion, his actions can be seen as reasonable.

25- You have to contextualize the remark in the overall discussion to fully understand what was meant.

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