1- Malnutrition occurs when people don't eat sufficient amounts of the right food.

2- A rooftop solar water heater requires about three hours of sunshine per day to provide sufficient hot water for a family of four.

3- The prosecutor lost the case because he didn't have sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

4- A word to the wise is sufficient.

5- My explanation was not sufficient.

6- The membership voted to insert a clause which stated that a simple majority of 51% will be sufficient in the future.

7- Maintaining a separate language and culture is difficult without a sufficiently large ethnic concentration within a given area.

8- Research suggests that the decontextualised learning of vocabulary is not sufficient to allow a student to truly know and be able to use a word.

9- Mark hadn't sufficiently cleaned the carpet, so we could still see the wine stains.

10- The President seems to believe that to question the fundamental morality of this war is not only insufficiently patriotic, but dangerously naive.

11- Find someone who suffers from frequent headaches.

12- sufficientThere is insufficient light to take pictures.

13- edelynWe have insufficient information to make a decision at this point.

14- Thomas wasn't sufficiently psychologically prepared to deal with his illness.

15- Howard Scott once stated that a criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.

16- Having been informed that plywood is sufficient I will be making it as taught with plywood.

17- There is a Chinese proverb which states that to learn what is good, a thousand days are not sufficient, but to learn what is evil, an hour is too long.

18- In 1972, an amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning discrimination against women because of their sex was defeated for lack of sufficient ratification among the states.

19- The case was dropped because the prosecution had insufficient evidence to proceed.

20- prospectCritics complain that the state's anti-pollution laws are meaningless because there is insufficient personnel to ensure compliance.

21- There is insufficient light for reading.

22- Research suggests that the decontextualised learning of vocabulary is not sufficient to allow a student to truly know and be able to use a word.

23- Two-thirds of North Americans aren't sufficiently active to benefit their health.

24- Neglecting to consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables can result in an increased risk of cancer.

25- The check was refused because there were insufficient funds in the account.

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