1- The monster cast a shadow across the moon as he appeared at her window.

2- The monsters howled with delight when their supper of crunchy, baked rocks was served.

3- The children gasped in fright when the monster appeared on stage.

4- The monster lives in a parallel universe which cannot be perceived by people in our dimension.

5- Shrek may be a terrible looking monster, but he's a pretty nice guy once you get to know him.

6- Find someone who enjoyed watching monster movies as a child.

7- André Gide once said that there are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them.

8- The monsters cheered with delight when their supper of crunchy, baked rocks was served.

9- Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters.

10- The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

11- Discussion question: Do you believe in mysteries such as the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, the Loch Ness monster, etc.

12- ? monsterThe monsters of Jupiter like to eat humans raw, but here on Venus we prefer to grill them until they turn golden brown and crunchy.

13- Marie devised a scary monster costume for her daughter to wear to the Halloween party.

14- Having once landed the monster immediately jumped again and was over my head.

15- The inhabitants of the planet Jupiter look like ugly monsters, half human and half beast, but they are quite friendly, and a lot of fun at a party.

16- The monsters of Jupiter like to eat humans raw, but here on Venus we prefer to grill them until they turn golden brown and crunchy.

17- My son wore a wonderful monster mask for Halloween.

18- The little boy stared in terror at the monsters standing outside his door on Halloween night.

19- The woman gasped, and shrank against the wall as the monster approached her.

20- The villagers clung together in fear as the monster drew nearer.

21- The Japanese monster Godzilla can fly by firing a blast of energy from his mouth, thereby projecting himself backwards through space.

22- Personally, I think that the story of the Loch Ness monster is just a myth that the local people like to keep alive because it brings in so many tourist dollars.

23- The first written account of the Loch Ness monster was made by a Viking sailor in 565 AD.

24- The monster began picking up cars and hurling them at the soldiers.

25- Mother, Father, Look at your little monster.

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