1- I am confident that his virtue of being a hard worker will guarantee him a lot of success in his future career.

2- One of the principal ingredients necessary for success is simple hard work.

3- Her ability to amass a fortune is due to luck and hard work.

4- Pope John Paul II once said that young people are threatened by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

5- Many children attribute the success of professional athletes to some magical talent, without realizing all the hard work and discipline that is required.

6- He gained the prize by dint of hard work.

7- I hold a belief in the importance of hard work.

8- It is hard work to keep my room in proper order.

9- He ascribed his success to hard work.

10- By hard work we can achieve anything.

11- Working as an artist's model is hard work, especially when you are posed in an uncomfortable position for long periods of time.

12- He attributes his success to hard work.

13- My mother is not accustomed to hard work.

14- The company gave him a large bonus in appreciation for his hard work.

15- He is not so much a genius as a hard worker.

16- Luck and hard work are necessary if you want to advance in life.

17- We tend to slack off after many hours of hard work.

18- He is accustomed to hard work.

19- I'm worn out by the hard work.

20- Frank Kender once said, "Perception.

21- Desire.

22- Both are important, but they go nowhere without a third component of creativity - hard work.

23- "In his annual speech, the president paid special tribute to all those workers that have made the company successful through their hard work.

24- His success is entirely due to his hard work.

25- He has earned the respect of his colleagues through his hard work and honesty.

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