1- My neighbor is always having noisy parties late at night.

2- I'm going to complain to the landlord.

3- The criminal robbed the landlord of a hundred thousand dollars and ran away.

4- If we can't reach an agreement with the landlord over who should pay for the damage done by the fire, we may need to consult a lawyer.

5- Tokyo landlords are in a panic because the real estate market went soft.

6- The tenants in the apartment beside us have been screaming and fighting a lot.

7- I think we need to talk to the landlord about it.

8- They had to look for a new apartment after their landlord hiked their rent by over 100 bucks a month.

9- The landlord says he wants to raise the rent.

10- If you are speaking to the landlord, could you mention the problem with the fridge to him?He made a deal with his landlord to cut the grass in return for reduced rent.

11- The landlord barked at his servants.

12- The tenants in the building are complaining that the landlord is taking too long to make repairs.

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