1- He doesn't look willing to come to the concert.

2- willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity.

3- Why do you insist on paying for your school expenses yourself, when your parents are willing to give you financial support?

4- In March of 1987, a boat carrying a 3,100-ton pile of rotting garbage left New York to look for a landfill willing to take its contents.

5- No one would accept it.

6- rotateI unwillingly undertook it.

7- Discussion question: Are you willing to pay more for food which is grown using organic farming methods?Research suggests that successful language learners are gamblers who are willing to take risks with the language.

8- Are you willing to help me with that work?

9- Adlai Stevenson once stated, "I think that one of the most fundamental responsibilities is to give testimony in a court of law, to give it honestly and willingly.

10- "He lent me the money quite willingly.

11- My uncle was willing to agree to my suggestion.

12- She willingly acceded to my request.

13- Our neighbors have been ordered by the city to clean up their yard, but so far they seem unwilling to comply.

14- In March of 1987, a boat carrying a 3,100-ton pile of rotting garbage left New York to look for a landfill willing to take its contents.

15- No one would accept it.

16- There is a Spanish proverb which notes that a friendly refusal is better than unwilling consent.

17- One who is not willing to learn is not worth teaching.

18- As long as men are willing to pay strangers for sex, prostitution will continue to exist.

19- There is a Danish proverb which observes that unwilling service earns no thanks.

20- A French revolutionary once said that most people are willing to pay more to be amused than to be educated.

21- I was unwilling for my wife to accept the invitation.

22- Discussion question: Are you willing to pay more for household products which are biodegradable?There is a Spanish proverb which observes that a friendly refusal is better than unwilling consent.

23- However, although our companions were willing, they knew nothing about management or getting money.

24- It seems to me that the clothes worn by models at fashion shows are often much more extravagant than what people are willing to wear on the street.

25- I am unwilling to study now.

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