1- Did you listen to the Parliamentary debate?

2- The Conservative member of Parliament is urging the government to establish a quota on the number of refugees this country will accept each year.

3- In August of 1991, more than 100,000 people rallied outside the Russian Parliament Building to protest a coup that had removed President Mikhail Gorbachev from power.

4- The government will have to face several hurdles before it gets this unpopular legislation through Parliament.

5- In 1990, Soviet Parliamentary leaders proposed a law which would allow the republics the right to separate from the Soviet Union.

6- Almost 200 members of Parliament were investigated in a bribes scandal in Italy in the early 1990s.

7- When the British Houses of Parliament were destroyed by fire in 1834, the King offered Buckingham Palace as a new home for Parliament, but the offer was declined.

8- The first traffic light was installed in England in 1868 in front of the Houses of Parliament.

9- According to new legislation in India, only people with 2 or fewer children will be eligible to become members of Parliament in the future.

10- The union is marshalling its members from all over the country for a massive demonstration outside Parliament tomorrow.

11- In 1707, England, Wales, and Scotland were joined by a Parliamentary Act of Union, and became the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

12- If today's ice caps melted completely, sea level would rise across the world by more than 200 feet, which means the clock face on the Houses of Parliament in London would be under water.

13- In October of 1939, during a speech to the German Parliament, Adolf Hitler denied any intention to wage war against Britain and France.

14- Today's session of Parliament is expected to be a very angry one.

15- The Constitution of Pakistan currently confers upon the President the right to dissolve Parliament.

16- In July of 1536, the authority of the Pope was declared void in England by an act of Parliament.

17- In February of 1981, an army lieutenant colonel and a group of civil guards burst into the Spanish Parliament firing shots in a failed coup attempt.

18- In February of 1945, the Egyptian Prime Minister was assassinated in Parliament just minutes after reading a declaration of war on Germany and Japan.

19- Stanley Knowles was a respected Parliamentarian who served as a member of the Opposition for many years.

20- Within the clock tower of Big Ben, there are jail cells where members of Parliament can be imprisoned.

21- In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, a Georgian soldier raised the Soviet red flag over the German Parliament, the Reichstag.

22- It is said that Isaac Newton's only recorded utterance while he was a member of Parliament in Britain was a request to open the window.

23- The government has called an emergency session of Parliament to discuss this nation's response to the terrorist attacks on the WTC.

24- The Japanese Parliament today officially elected Ryoutarou Hashimoto as the country's nd prime minister.

25- BraveSentryParliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue.

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