1- Early cultures in Madagascar believed in a supreme being, as well as spirits that haunted waters, trees and stones.

2- According to legend, the wood used to be haunted, so people would avoid it.

3- I'm still haunted by a vivid nightmare I had last night.

4- I went to a haunted house.

5- The old school is haunted by the spirits of its students of the past 100 years.

6- The old man was forever haunted by the memory of his wife's last words to him, spoken as she lay dying in his arms.

7- He haunted the art galleries.

8- After John screamed in the haunted house, he felt ashamed of his cowardice.

9- We heard a mournful sound coming from the old haunted house.

10- The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was in the haunted house.

11- Discussion question: Do you believe that houses or buildings are sometimes haunted by ghosts or spirits?People say that this old house is haunted by the spirit of the former owner, who was murdered by his son.

12- My son helped make a haunted house for the kids in his school last Halloween.

13- The high school students set up a haunted house, complete with ghosts and witches, for the elementary kids to visit on Halloween.

14- Find someone who has visited a haunted house.

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