1- Many sporting events are sponsored by cigarette companies, which pay thousands of dollars to have their name associated with the event.

2- He was given a tip three weeks ago that two companies would merge.

3- Most companies have their own labor unions.

4- SnarkMany large companies go to the university at graduation time in an effort to recruit the best of the new graduates.

5- Find someone who thinks it's okay for cigarette companies to sponsor sporting events.

6- spontaneousPharmaceutical companies are calling on the government to protect their patent on prescription drugs for a minimum of 10 years.

7- Into this broad category fall companies that run money lending and insurance businesses.

8- The President had to resign after allegations appeared in the newspaper suggesting he had accepted bribes from large companies hoping to do business with the government.

9- Trade companies aim at a new market in Asia.

10- Many companies like to hire casual workers so that they don't have to pay them benefits.

11- Billionaire T.

12- Boone Pickens once observed that chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa.

13- Several companies are competing to gain the contract.

14- Canadian logging companies say they are hostages to the boycott which the environmental organization Greenpeace organized to protest clearcutting of old growth forest in this province.

15- The corporation has a controlling interest in a number of smaller companies.

16- Cigarette companies are doing everything they can to lure young people into smoking.

17- Oil companies have been drilling for oil in the Atlantic for about 10 years.

18- Discussion question: How do you feel about the sponsorship of sporting or cultural events by large tobacco companies?The text which accompanies the photos provides a fascinating insight into the creation of each image.

19- Many small companies went bankrupt.

20- There is a law which prohibits American companies from doing business with countries which are suspected of supporting terrorism, but the law does not apply to any foreign or offshore subsidiary which is run by non-Americans.

21- Coast Computer Systems has recently joined the ranks of high-tech companies relocating to our city.

22- Japanese companies emphasize hierarchy.

23- Discussion question: Do large companies in your country give bonuses to their employees? Why and when do they generally give them?The government has granted tax concessions to new companies which create at least 50 permanent jobs.

24- In the Tokyo stock market, stocks of about companies are traded over the counter.

25- By 1996, insurance companies had to pay out almost 48 billion dollars due to weather-related disasters, compared with only 16 billion dollars for the entire period of the 1980s.

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