51- He has sent his book to a few publishing companies, but hasn't received any replies as of yet.

52- The Sony Corporation is one of the largest companies in the world.

53- The biggest ever industrial merger was between the motor companies Daimler-Benz and Chrysler.

54- Preparations for the new project are under way in both companies simultaneously.

55- Too many companies today value corporate profit over the decent treatment of their employees.

56- There is a lot of prejudice against women in the workplace, which can keep them from rising to high positions in some companies.

57- Although he always wanted to work at the main headquarters in Seoul, he had to work for years at subsidiary companies in the provinces.

58- Loan companies and instant cash outlets prey on those who already have problems managing their money.

59- Over 200 people lost their jobs when the two companies merged.

60- Numerous software companies have established subsidiaries in Bangalore, India because of its skilled work force.

61- Kuwait is holding discussions with foreign oil companies to develop oil fields in the northern part of the country.

62- Prestigious fashion companies such as Christian Dior, and Cartier have their designer leather products made in Morocco.

63- Studies show that almost half of those surveyed believe that tobacco companies deliberately target children and teens in their marketing.

64- Insurance companies say you should never admit liability in an accident, even if you know it is your fault.

65- Major tobacco companies are switching their sales efforts to emerging nations with their expanding populations, and rising spending power.

66- They made an oral agreement to negotiate a merger between their two companies.

67- A number of different companies have submitted a tender for the contract.

68- A lot of companies are going under lately because banks are so tight with their money.

69- Many pharmaceutical companies are now showing an interest in marketing so-called natural remedies.

70- companies which conduct political polls claim their margins for error are quite small.

71- Many American companies have established operations in India through incorporation of a subsidiary, primarily for cost-saving reasons.

72- The tobacco lobby is spending millions of dollars in an effort to stop the government from suing tobacco companies for health costs related to illnesses caused by smoking.

73- Beer companies often sponsor large sporting events.

74- The tobacco company's long association with the sporting event came to an end when it was no longer found to be acceptable for cigarette companies to sponsor sports.

75- ch, where there are many posts praising specific companies, or, conversely, denigrating their rivals.

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