1- The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean sinks about four inches every 100 years.

2- sipThe Atlantic Ocean stretches from Europe and Africa to the Americas.

3- In June of 1959, the St.

4- Lawrence Seaway, connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean, was opened by Queen Elizabeth II and American President Dwight Eisenhower.

5- Without the Gulf Stream, a warm current in the Atlantic Ocean, the temperature in France would fall to -40 degrees in winter.

6- The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean sinks about four inches every 100 years.

7- The rugged and isolated islands of Cape Verde are located in the Atlantic Ocean, 300 miles off the coast of the West African country of Senegal.

8- The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe.

9- contourExercises are taking place at 16 locations on land, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

10- Hurricane Gonzalo as seen in a satellite image over the Atlantic Ocean on Wednesday.

11- Three weeks before Kent's life ended, the plans to get her ashes to the Atlantic Ocean began.

12- Aaron, a sub-adult reptile, crawled into the Atlantic Ocean as several hundred spectators cheered at Sombrero Beach.

13- An Air France flight carrying 228 people disappeared from radar over the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009.

14- Bermuda, an island chain and affluent insurance hub in the Atlantic Ocean, frequently sees strong tropical storms.

15- Brazilian sailors recover debris from the missing Air France Flight 447 in the Atlantic Ocean in 2009.

16- But the millions of data points don't conclusively prove that the North Atlantic Ocean is devouring heat.

17- El Niños also tend to suppress hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

18- It's about a family that gets separated while they're floating their house across the Atlantic Ocean, he said.

19- Set at the nexus of the Gulf Stream, the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, our way of life is defined by the sea.

20- She plunged into the Atlantic Ocean before being saved.

21- The Antares rocket by contractor Orbital Sciences launched at 6:22 p.m. ET from a facility along the Atlantic Ocean.

22- The Atlantic Ocean consists of four major water masses.

23- The cold front is then expected to slow down and eventually stall as it reaches the western Atlantic Ocean.

24- The helicopter went down in the Atlantic Ocean 20 miles off the Virginia coast, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

25- The pier extends feet (0 m) into the Atlantic Ocean.

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