26- The pilots switched gears over the Atlantic Ocean to make the emergency landing in Ireland.

27- These waves covered all the costal areas within and around the Atlantic Ocean: the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

28- View photo Hurricane Gonzalo is pictured in the Atlantic Ocean in this October 15, 2014 NASA handout satellite image.

29- Wednesday's second attempt never materialized due to bad weather at the Atlantic Ocean landing site.

30- Jacksonville enjoys natural beauty from the St. Johns River and Atlantic Ocean.

31- A floating landing pad was waiting out in the Atlantic Ocean for the booster.

32- A third group moved across the Atlantic Ocean and back again.

33- All Centre Province rivers empty into the Atlantic Ocean via the Littoral and South.

34- All TACK HAMMER fighters moved across the Atlantic Ocean with air tanker refueling en route.

35- Because the Atlantic Ocean is to Galicia's north and west, naval sports such as rowing and yachting are common.

36- But Johannes is presumed death, after his plane went down over the Atlantic Ocean.

37- Disgusted, the High picks up the Eidolon and through him miles away over the Atlantic Ocean, ending the miniseries.

38- Emily strengthened into a hurricane out in the North Atlantic Ocean and by September 12, was no longer identifiable.

39- Fort Clark was about half a mile (800 m) to the southeast, closer to the Atlantic Ocean.

40- He reflects on the day and the beauty of the sun setting across the North Atlantic Ocean.

41- He was 10 years old when he heard that Charles Lindbergh had made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

42- His plane went down over the Atlantic Ocean and Johannes remains as presumed death.

43- It has an outlet to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the Essex River.

44- It is believed that while its main purpose was coastal voyages, it was capable of safely crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

45- It is bordered by Cape Cod Bay and the Atlantic Ocean on its western and eastern sides, respectively.

46- It overlooks the bays of Luskyntyre and Seilibost bay to the east, with the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

47- It sits on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and is known for having a beautiful campus.

48- Moray would also eventually cover from Buchan in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

49- Rivers in the region drain into the Atlantic Ocean and the Congo River basin.

50- RVSM airspace encompasses Europe, North America, parts of Asia and Africa and both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

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