1- NASA specialists recently made the sensational statement that great quantities of ice had been detected about three feet deep under the surface of the planet Mars.

2- They got through the Marsh.

3- United Nations Secretary-General Dag HamMarskjold once stated that it seems that once an allegation has been repeated a few times, it is no longer an allegation, it is an established fact, even if no evidence has been brought out in order to suApart from one or two exceptions, Marsupials are unique to Australia.

4- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

5- Our ship touched at Marseilles.

6- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

7- procedureAccording to scientists, gold exists on Mars, Mercury and Venus.

8- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

9- discreetThe rocket stopped briefly to refuel on the moon before heading for its final destination of Mars.

10- Marsha Sinetar once remarked that change can either challenge or threaten us.

11- Your beliefs either pave your way to success or block you.

12- Data from the Mars explorer has presented a puzzle to scientists, does it actually provide evidence of life on the red planet?The planet Mars appears to have had most of the conditions necessary to support simple life forms.

13- The union is Marshalling its members from all over the country for a massive demonstration outside Parliament tomorrow.

14- NASA specialists recently stated that great quantities of ice had been detected about three feet deep under the surface of the planet Mars.

15- Plans to colonize Mars were canceled when the Martians threatened to eat anyone who tried to land on their planet.

16- Mercury and Mars, as well as our moon, form a family of related planets which experienced similar sequences of events in their early histories.

17- Interest in the planet Mars has greatly increased since indications of water raised the possibility that life in some form may have evolved there.

18- Mercury and Mars, as well as our moon, form a family of related planets which experienced similar sequences of events in their early histories.

19- The view of Mars through earthly telescopes suggested that all was serene.

20- The President has ordered the Marshalling of the National Guard to help in relief efforts in the areas hit by the hurricane.

21- Scientists believe that at various times in the distant past huge volumes of water were released on Mars resulting in catastrophic flooding.

22- Marshall McLuhan once wrote that the new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.

23- Antarctica has been used as a testing laboratory for the joint United States-Soviet Union mission to Mars because it has much in common with the red planet.

24- The fire Marshal is investigating a suspicious blaze which destroyed a church over the weekend.

25- The planet Mars has long been considered by scientists as the best candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life.

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