51- The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat similar to that of our moon.

52- The sky of Mars is pink because of the fine red dust which is carried into the atmosphere by winds.

53- The protest demonstration was conducted under the watchful eye of a dozen Marshals.

54- The fire Marshal is investigating a fire which destroyed a church over the weekend.

55- Dag HamMarskjold once said, "Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.

56- "Just when the first human beings will reach Mars remains to be seen.

57- Discussion question: Do you think it is a good idea for governments to spend trillions of dollars on missions to Venus and Mars?People from Mars look kind of bizarre with their five eyes, one leg and two heads, but they are quite friendly once you get to know them.

58- Thurgood Marshall once suggested that jurors who are opposed to capital punishment are more likely to believe that a defendant's failure to testify is indicative of his guilt.

59- The dominant surface process on the planet Mars is wind erosion.

60- The children roasted Marshmallows around the campfire, and sang songs all evening.

61- The German army under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel achieved remarkable victories in the African campaign during World War II.

62- In geological terms, Mars represents an intermediate phase in planetary development which is transitional between a body like our moon and a planet like Earth.

63- The planet Mars is thought to be similar in composition to our Earth.

64- The astronauts became stranded on Mars when their rocket broke down soon after landing on the red planet.

65- A trip to Mars may become possible in my lifetime.

66- Johannes Kepler studied the motion of Mars, trying to deduce from his observations how the planet moves.

67- In 1877, an Italian astronomer reported that the surface of Mars was marked with a system of canals, which later observers believed were the work of intelligent beings.

68- Mountain climber Roger Marshall once said, "I believe in an extraconsciousness that looks after you.

69- It only comes into play in extreme circumstances, which for me is in the mountains.

70- That's where I fit in bestAll passengers departing on the space shuttle bound for Venus and Mars please proceed to gate number 2056.

71- Find someone who has bought something in an outdoor market.

72- MarshalThurgood Marshall once suggested that jurors who are opposed to capital punishment are more likely to believe that a defendant's failure to testify is indicative of his guilt.

73- An object weighing 100 pounds on earth would weigh just 38 pounds on Mars.

74- The planet Mars is one of the most studied objects in our solar system.

75- The captain Marshalled all his troops for a final assault on the enemy's position.

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