76- The leader of Mars became the Supreme Commander of the Universe after eating the previous commander from Saturn.

77- The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat similar to that of our moon.

78- sootheA space probe sent to Mars has revealed that although the Red Planet once had water, the environment was so harsh that it may have prevented life from developing.

79- Parade Marshals were stationed at various points along the route to ensure that everything went smoothly.

80- The astronauts became stranded on Mars when their rocket broke down soon after landing on the red planet.

81- Scientists believe that at various times in the distant past huge volumes of water were released on Mars resulting in catastrophic flooding.

82- flopJohn Haggai once observed, "Gather in your resources, rally all your faculties, Marshal all your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor.

83- " marvelousThe machines which will be sent to the planet Mars on the next NASA mission will relay information about rocks and surface moisture directly back to three centers worldwide.

84- Crocodiles and their relatives are found in habitats such as swamps, ponds, rivers, lakes and Marshes.

85- During winter on Mars, temperatures plunge to minus 125 degrees centigrade, and the air begins to freeze solid.

86- plusDag HamMarskjold once observed that the only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.

87- Did you know that naturalists use Marshmallows to lure alligators out of swamps?The machines which will be sent to the planet Mars on the next NASA mission will relay information about rocks and surface moisture directly back to three centers worldwide.

88- Scientists presently argue two different hypotheses for the origin of the moons of Mars.

89- The soldier Marshalled all his courage and ran towards the enemy.

90- The teacher Marshalled all the students together and led them onto the bus.

91- Mercury and Mars, as well as our moon, form a family of related planets which experienced similar sequences of events in their early histories.

92- Marsha Sinetar once observed that change can either challenge or threaten us.

93- Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you.

94- Find someone who would like to go on a mission to Mars.

95- moanIt's no wonder Marsha broke up with Brad.

96- He was always staring at other girls when they went out.

97- The runner Marshalled all his strength for the last few miles of the marathon.

98- Marshall Mcluhan observed that the new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.

99- It's not very likely that Marsha will come to the party because she doesn't know anybody apart from you and I.

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