1- In November of 1992, twenty original paintings by Adolf Hitler went unsold at an auction after they failed to attract a single bid.

2- In 1933, the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany, and by 1934, Hitler had all his rivals assassinated, and had total control of Germany.

3- In 1933, the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler banned all opposition parties in Germany.

4- The evil policies of Adolf Hitler resulted in the death of millions of people.

5- In October of 1939, during a speech to the German Parliament, Adolf Hitler denied any intention to wage war against Britain and France.

6- In February of 1920, Adolf Hitler, spokesman for an extremist political group in Germany, outlined the organization's program to create a Third German Reich.

7- Adolf Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933.

8- In February of 1920, Adolf Hitler, spokesman for an extremist political group in Germany, outlined the organization's program to create a Third German Reich.

9- sponsorIn October of 1941, German dictator Adolf Hitler declared: "Russia is defeated, and will never rise again.

10- " declineAdolf Hitler wrote that the art of leadership consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.

11- The "Final Solution" of Adolf Hitler resulted in the deaths of over six million Jews in the Second World War.

12- Socrates, Nero, Mark Anthony, Cleopatra, Vincent van Gogh, and Adolf Hitler all committed suicide.

13- Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison in 1924, but was released after only eight months.

14- The government of Adolf Hitler tried to reconstruct the whole of German society to conform to National Socialist ideology.

15- Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime came to power in Germany on January 30, 1933.

16- Adolf Hitler believed in the supremacy of a German master race.

17- In January of 1943, Adolf Hitler mobilized the entire adult population of Germany for the country's war effort.

18- Adolf Hitler's favorite dog, Blondi, an Alsatian, was used to make sure his cyanide capsules were lethal.

19- Hitler used the cyanide to commit suicide only after he saw it worked on Blondi.

20- In May of 1933, Adolf Hitler passed a law banning trade unions in Germany.

21- Equating the former dictator with Adolf Hitler is absurd.

22- Hitler was responsible for the death of millions of people.

23- equipmentSocrates, Nero, Mark Anthony, Cleopatra, Vincent van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe and Adolf Hitler all committed suicide.

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