1- The magnitude of the damage is unknown at this time, but experts fear it may cost in the millions of pounds.

2- Housecats are excellent predators, and kill millions of songbirds each year.

3- Studies show that the lives of millions of mothers and their children could be saved if countries would invest in programs that ensure a healthy pregnancy, and safe childbirth.

4- Joseph Stalin was a cruel, ruthless leader responsible for the imprisonment or death of millions of Russians.

5- The divers were able to salvage millions of dollars of fine champagne from the sunken vessel.

6- millions of people suffer from persistent irrational fears called phobias.

7- Through millions of years of volcanic eruptions, the land of Iceland gradually appeared above sea level.

8- The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

9- This software allows you to navigate easily and quickly through the millions of websites on the Internet.

10- The evil policies of Adolf Hitler resulted in the death of millions of people.

11- millions of people starve to death every year.

12- Every three years, millions of people gather in India for the largest Hindu festival in the world.

13- Immunization has saved millions of children all over the world and has helped others to lead longer, healthier lives.

14- millions of music lovers can now exchange files online every day, using various file-sharing systems.

15- Marian Edelman has remarked that lack of moral purpose is a more dangerous virus than influenza for millions of the world's children.

16- Studies show that millions of mothers and children die each year due to complications from births that are too close together, or too early or too late in a woman's life.

17- The President seems totally unconcerned by the misery of the millions of unemployed in this country.

18- Immunization and vitamin A supplementation have been credited with saving the lives of millions of children each year.

19- The former president was obviously corrupt, and is accused of having stolen millions of dollars from the country.

20- It has been calculated that there may be millions of planets in other parts of the universe capable of supporting some kind of life.

21- I'm sorry, I can't help you.

22- I have millions of things to do this afternoon.

23- millions of people paid tribute to the life of Princess Diana after her sudden and untimely death.

24- The oil fields of Alberta yield millions of gallons of oil each year.

25- In order to understand our earth and the processes which operate upon it, one must attempt to comprehend time spans of millions of years.

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