51- The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was watched by millions of viewers throughout the world.

52- They sold their land to a developer who built a bunch of condominiums on the property, and then sold them for millions of dollars in profit.

53- The flooding of the Red River in Manitoba a few years back caused millions of dollars in damage.

54- One gram of soil may contain hundreds of millions of living things.

55- soleDinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

56- millions of children throughout the world have not been immunized simply because vaccines were unavailable.

57- millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts, and then forget where they hid them.

58- William Hazlitt once stated that the least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings.

59- The murder trial of O.

60- J.

61- Simpson was watched by millions of people all over the world.

62- millions of people now interact with their computers on a daily basis.

63- In order to understand our earth and the processes which operate upon it, one must attempt to comprehend time spans of millions of years.

64- Despite the millions of dollars he made during his boxing career, Muhammad Ali found himself in need of money after his retirement because of his lavish lifestyle.

65- millions of years ago, the world was one great land mass, which scientists today call Gondwanaland.

66- millions of children throughout the world have not been immunized simply because vaccines were unavailable.

67- T.

68- S.

69- Eliot observed that television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.

70- Pol Pot was one of the most notorious tyrants of modern history, responsible for the massacre of millions of the people of his country.

71- In order to understand our earth and the processes which operate upon it, one must attempt to comprehend time spans of millions of years.

72- The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

73- Next week, millions of people will be watching the TV program.

74- In order to understand our earth and the processes which operate upon it, one must attempt to comprehend time spans of millions of years.

75- millions of North Americans cope with some degree of hearing loss.

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