1- Answer at once when spoken to.

2- He's shy, and never speaks unless spoken to.

3- You have to talk to him.

4- He is well spoken of by those people.

5- She is well spoken of by everybody.

6- I am not used to being spoken to in that rude way.

7- Not one of South Africa's many languages is spoken by a majority of the population.

8- Some seldom speak unless spoken to.

9- We aren't used to being spoken to by a foreigner.

10- Find someone who has spoken to a secretary in the past three months.

11- sectionI don't like to be spoken to.

12- Our teacher is well spoken of.

13- Find someone who has spoken to a professional athlete.

14- profileGeorge is a very controversial leader, due to his outspoken manner.

15- He never speaks unless spoken to.

16- Spanish is spoken in most countries of South America.

17- Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

18- I myself have, before becoming employed by this company, twice spoken bluntly to the people at the top.

19- If you are to improve your English, you had better go to countries where it is spoken.

20- The old man was forever haunted by the memory of his wife's last words to him, spoken as she lay dying in his arms.

21- Find someone who has spoken on a radio broadcast.

22- bruiseHe is well spoken of by everybody.

23- There is a Bulgarian proverb which states that a word about to be spoken is like a stone that is ready to be thrown.

24- I didn't know what to do because I was suddenly spoken to by a foreigner.

25- If I should be suddenly spoken to in English, I might run away.

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