51- I know him by name but I have never actually spoken to him.

52- Her parents have spoken optimistically of her chances of getting into medical school.

53- He is spoken ill of by his students.

54- Studying a foreign language in the country where it is spoken is the best way to improve language skills, particularly speaking and listening.

55- spoken English is quite different from written English.

56- When we talk, we often speak in partial sentences.

57- Find someone who has spoken on behalf of a group.

58- behaveHe is well spoken of by many people.

59- He did not speak unless spoken to.

60- The new President is well spoken of.

61- Beginners should learn spoken English first.

62- Taking a walk in the park, I was spoken to by an old couple.

63- I'm more interested in spoken English.

64- A Chinese proverb observes that the swiftest horse cannot overtake the word once spoken.

65- It is impossible to really know the dimensions of the problem until we have spoken with all the people affected.

66- I know her by sight, but I've never spoken to her.

67- The new mayor is well spoken of by the citizens.

68- I have not spoken to our new neighborsShe has not spoken to me yet.

69- I have never been spoken to by a foreigner before.

70- I know him by sight, but I have never actually spoken to him.

71- Actors, artists, musicians, and writers may use many forms including spoken and written words, actions, colors and sounds.

72- There is a Greek proverb which reminds us that one word spoken in anger may spoil an entire life.

73- French is still spoken in the former French colonies of Africa.

74- The roots of the English language can be traced back to an ancient language spoken by tribes living in Asia and Europe.

75- The roots of the English language can be traced back to an ancient language spoken by tribes living in Asia and Europe.

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