1- Like most African wildlife, the animals of Mozambique are threatened by the area's rapidly growing human population.

2- The prisoner was able to escape after carving a gun out of soap, and using it to threaten the guard.

3- The mayor's family was harassed with threatening phone calls all day.

4- A huge oil slick is threatening thousands of marine birds and animals off the coast of Alaska.

5- Pope John Paul II once said that young people are threatened by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

6- Sharks are generally aggressive only if threatened or disturbed.

7- His wife threatened to leave him if he didn't stop drinking.

8- Eeh?

9- I somehow seem to feel a very threatening aura.

10- .

11- .

12- He has managed to rise up through the party hierarchy through lying, manipulating, threatening, bribing, and intimidating those around him.

13- The very existence of the islands of the Maldives are threatened by global warming, which results in the raising of sea levels.

14- Experts say that many shark attacks are caused by people getting too close to sharks, or provoking and threatening them.

15- The victim's injuries are not considered life-threatening.

16- In 1996, Chechen rebels seized some 2,000 hostages in a southern Russian town, and threatened to kill them if their demands were not met.

17- Because of his theories regarding the universe, Galileo was imprisoned and threatened with torture.

18- Marsha Sinetar once remarked that change can either challenge or threaten us.

19- Your beliefs either pave your way to success or block you.

20- Plans to colonize Mars were canceled when the Martians threatened to eat anyone who tried to land on their planet.

21- He is threatened by a certain gangster.

22- During the trial, it emerged that the suspect had threatened to kill the victim the night before he was found dead in his apartment.

23- The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

24- thrillEmployees threatened a strike to protect worker benefits.

25- The flames of their passion threatened to set their bed on fire.

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