51- The rising water has breached the dam and is threatening the town.

52- An effective vaccine is the only way to stop the AIDS epidemic, which threatens to kill more than 68 million people between 2000 and 2020.

53- Members of the judiciary are often threatened by those they convict of crimes.

54- Making threatening gestures to someone can be considered a form of assault.

55- Buffalo will often rub their horns on the ground to threaten an opponent.

56- The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 threatened to plunge the economy into a new recession.

57- The modern world is being threatened simultaneously by social and political conflict, impoverishment, resource depletion, and environmental destruction.

58- The conquistadors threatened to kill the Aztec King unless he surrendered all his treasure.

59- Like most large animals, buffalo will show you their side if they feel threatened.

60- This allows you to see how enormous they are, and leave quickly.

61- The dog is very submissive, and will roll on its back when another dog threatens it.

62- She threatened to sue her neighbor if he ever touched her son, after the neighbor said he would spank the boy for stealing apples from his tree.

63- During the trial, the old woman testified that on the night of the murder, she heard the accused threatening to kill the victim.

64- It is threatening to rain.

65- The terrorists have threatened to begin executing the hostages if their demands are not met by midnight.

66- Buffalo will often rub their horns on the ground to threaten an opponent.

67- Raccoons are very cute animals, but they are also very fierce and dangerous if threatened.

68- The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 threatened to plunge the economy into a new recession.

69- Today, a lone terrorist with a crude nuclear bomb can threaten or kill tens of thousands of people in a single act of destruction.

70- Marsha Sinetar once observed that change can either challenge or threaten us.

71- Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you.

72- She really manipulates her husband by constantly threatening to leave him, even though she would never do that.

73- Economic-development and family-planning programs have helped slow the tide of population growth threatening our planet.

74- The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

75- The prosecutor presented evidence to the court showing that the defendant had threatened to kill the victim the night of the murder.

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