26- This life-threatening injury to a player underlines how dangerous the sport is becoming.

27- Cats generally arch their backs when they feel threatened.

28- My husband got the hots for a Canadian and is threatening me with divorce.

29- ScottThe police threatened to send her to jail.

30- jakovIn the mid 1990s, the United Nations threatened a boycott of Libyan oil exports, an action that would have devastated the Libyan economy.

31- All sea turtle species are considered endangered or threatened in at least part of their ranges.

32- In April of 1995, the European Union and Canada ended a bitter dispute over fishing rights in the North Atlantic with a deal which would protect threatened fish stocks.

33- The intimacy of their relationship was threatened by differing sexual needs.

34- The kidnapper threatened to kill the boy if his demands were not met.

35- Solar energy does not threaten the environment.

36- The climbers were forced to abandon their attempted ascent of Everest due to fierce storms which threatened to cover them with several inches of snow.

37- The union has threatened to escalate the strikes if the fired workers are not immediately rehired.

38- One fact that cannot be overlooked in this case is that the night before the murder, Charlotte Henderson threatened to kill the victim if he ever bothered her again.

39- The teacher's students rallied around her when she was threatened with dismissal for incompetence.

40- The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

41- He threatened to make it public.

42- Global warming is threatening polar bears by causing temperatures to rise in their frozen habitat.

43- Marital stability is threatened when a husband and wife have different expectations about their respective roles.

44- The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

45- The child was sent to see the principal after threatening to beat up a smaller boy on the playground.

46- The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

47- I can't believe you're actually going to quit your job finally, after all these years of threatening to do it.

48- She shouted and threatened a policeman by brandishing a knife.

49- FlamingTofuThe threatening floods made it necessary to evacuate the town.

50- The recent murder of a family on a picnic is threatening to turn the simmering anger in the region into a more serious conflict.

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