1- They diverted the river to supply water somewhere else.

2- Malaysian society is characterized by the diversity of its ethnic groups.

3- The sky-diver got the lines of his parachute all tangled, and plunged to his death.

4- The spectacular diversification of mammals on earth has occurred within the last 60 million years.

5- The flood diverted the course of the river.

6- The octopus emerged from behind the rock, and frightened the divers.

7- The divers were able to salvage millions of dollars of fine champagne from the sunken vessel.

8- Two divers were killed when the sunken ship they were working in turned over during the salvage operation.

9- In my opinion, we need to diversify our assets.

10- Our society today is quite culturally diverse, with immigrants from all over the world.

11- The dry climate of Australia limits the density and diversity of living things in that land.

12- The musical style of Monteverdi and his contemporaries comprised diverse elements, some borrowed from the past, others very new.

13- divers have been able to recover all the bodies from the wreck of a fishing boat that sunk off the coast of Newfoundland.

14- The former U.S.S.

15- R.

16- was composed of 15 very diverse republics with strong cultural differences.

17- Sky-divers rely on a special device called an altimeter which tells them how high they are, and how fast they are falling, so they know when to open their parachute.

18- British Columbia's giant underwater seaweed forests comprise ecosystems which are more diverse than rainforests.

19- The Beatles attract a diverse audience, from little children, to teenagers, parents and even grandparents.

20- The divers can gather pearls with no danger.

21- John Kennedy once said that poetry reminds us of the richness and diversity of existence.

22- The African continent is home to an astonishing geographical and cultural diversity.

23- The former U.S.S.

24- R.

25- was composed of 15 very diverse republics with strong cultural differences.

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