51- Many tobacco farmers in this country are diversifying into other crops because cigarettes are rapidly losing popularity.

52- The cultural diversity of Nigeria's people is evident in their various customs, languages and styles of dress.

53- One political commentator suggested that the President may be simply trying to divert attention from the nation's economic difficulties.

54- Police divers have recovered the body of a child drowned in a boating accident this weekend.

55- Ethnically, Pakistan is a very diverse country.

56- Robert Kennedy once remarked that it is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.

57- The musical style of Monteverdi and his contemporaries comprised diverse elements, some borrowed from the past, others very new.

58- divideWe all need to understand and respect the diverse cultures which operate at local, regional, and global levels if mankind is to survive.

59- Scuba divers breathe compressed air from tanks they wear on their backs.

60- The orchid family of flowers is the largest, most diverse plant family found in nature.

61- Algeria needs to diversify its petroleum-based economy in order to prosper.

62- Despatie's last dive was simply outstanding and should clinch the gold medal for the Canadian diver.

63- The oxygen in the diver's tanks was depleted, and he quickly drowned.

64- Alexander McArthur once wrote "Battles and sex are the only free diversions in slum life.

65- Couple them with drink, which costs money, and you have the three principal outlets for that escape.

66- "The diver did a daring back flip off the 10 meter board, and entered the water without a splash.

67- The spectacular diversification of mammals on earth has taken place within the last 60 million years.

68- The diver did a perfect back flip off the 10 meter board, and entered the water with hardly a splash.

69- We have a diverse clientele in our language program, with students from Asia, Europe and South America.

70- He diverted himself by listening to music.

71- Alexander McArthur once wrote "Battles and sex are the only free diversions in slum life.

72- Couple them with drink, which costs money, and you have the three principal outlets for that escape.

73- "divers have recovered over a million dollars worth of treasure from a sunken Spanish ship.

74- While the thirteenth century in Europe was an era of comparative stability and unity, the following century was marked by change and diversity.

75- In the 50,000 years since the emergence of fully human culture, our entire world has been occupied and people have been diversified into about 5000 different groups.

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