26- The scenery diverted the driver's attention from the road.

27- Our director is working on marketing our programs in different countries in order to attract a more diverse student clientele.

28- fraMon corps est douloureux, ma tête me fait mal, j'ai été éprouvé de diverses manières.

29- diversifying our clientele is critical to our business plan.

30- An African proverb notes that those who wear pearls do not know how often the shark bites the leg of the diver.

31- Find someone who has doven off a 5-meter board.

32- diverseSugar remains the chief product and chief export of Cuba, despite government attempts to diversify the economy.

33- epoDe jardeko diversigo de energifontoj estas en Cinio parto de la tagordo.

34- The audience was diverted with funny stories.

35- Unless this company diversifies, we will eventually go bankrupt.

36- We need a broader range of products in order to appeal to a younger clientele.

37- British Columbia's giant underwater seaweed forests comprise ecosystems which are more diverse than rainforests.

38- While the thirteenth century in Europe was an era of comparative stability and unity, the following century was marked by change and diversity.

39- African music is as diverse and complex as the continent itself.

40- Ethnically, Pakistan is a very diverse country.

41- Psychologists seek to understand how internal processes or external events in the environment work to produce the incredible diversity of human thought and action.

42- In the 50,000 years since the emergence of fully human culture, our entire world has been occupied, and people have been diversified into about 5000 different groups.

43- The musical style of Monteverdi and his contemporaries comprised diverse elements, some borrowed from the past, others very new.

44- Beluga whales have a diverse diet which includes many different kinds of fish, shrimp, snails, crabs and worms.

45- The octopus came out from behind the rock, and frightened the divers.

46- Existing legislation does not take diversity of races into account.

47- Käthe Kollwitz once wrote, "No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes.

48- "South Africa boasts one of the most diverse wildlife displays on Earth.

49- You should have as diversified a stock portfolio as possible.

50- Researchers have recently discovered that Neanderthals and modern man diverged genetically 500,000 to 600,000 years ago.

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