1- His grandfather made a bundle in real estate just after the war.

2- The Hollywood sign, first erected in 1923, was originally a real estate advertisement.

3- Tokyo landlords are in a panic because the real estate market went soft.

4- I agree with the opinion that real estate is overpriced.

5- Since the country became independent, the majority of companies, banks, and real estate in Latvia have been privatized.

6- The real estate business is currently enjoying a land boom the likes of which has not been seen in this city for over fifty years.

7- I don't have much sympathy for people who lose money speculating on the real estate market.

8- In most real estate transactions, the realtors earn a fee from both the buyer and the seller of the property.

9- real estate agencies have many independent brokers.

10- Continued steady growth in the real estate market is largely contingent on low interest rates.

11- A 1968 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a 102-year-old law forbidding racial discrimination in the rental or sale of real estate.

12- Theresa was only marginally successful at selling real estate.

13- The real estate industry is in a serious slump, and industry people say the worst is yet to come.

14- real estate is an extremely lucrative business in this town, with prices steadily increasing year after year.

15- George Jean Nathan once suggested that patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

16- Umberto made a fortune buying and selling houses in Dallas during the real estate boom there.

17- Two senior officials are suspected of accepting bribes from real estate companies.

18- The price of real estate has been rising abnormally in Japan.

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