1- She majors in organic chemistry.

2- A Mongolian proverb suggests that wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats.

3- organicDiscussion question: Are you willing to pay more for food which is grown using organic farming methods?Ruth Anshen observed that even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.

4- Our organic farms are fertilized only with natural compost and horse manure.

5- Thrifty Stores now sell organic produce from local farms.

6- There is a pub in town which serves a new locally-made beer containing only organic ingredients.

7- We are very careful about what we eat, and virtually all our food is organic.

8- Our local grocery store is now selling organically-grown fruit and vegetables.

9- The market features a number of stalls selling organic produce.

10- Ruth Anshen observed that even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.

11- We don't use any pesticides or chemical fertilizers on our farm, so all our produce is guaranteed to be 100% organic.

12- organic food is better for our health because it's not full of toxic pesticides.

13- These eggs come from free-range chickens which eat only organic grains.

14- Seneca once said that there is nothing dead in nature.

15- Everything is organic and living, and therefore the whole world appears to be a living organism.

16- My friend believes that eating organic food reduces one's chances of developing certain types of cancers.

17- My wife insists on eating only organic fruits and vegetables.

18- The decay of organic substances is necessary for the formation of oil.

19- Any organic matter will break down with time.

20- We buy organic food at the farmers' market.

21- It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health.

22- Over time, organic matter is changed into natural gas through decay, heat and pressure.

23- Our city dumps are full of inorganic matter which does not break down, and which is taking up more and more space.

24- Eliza Farnham once said that the human face is the organic seat of beauty.

25- Synthesizing organic compounds in chemistry is very qualitative because purity is of prime importance.

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