1- There's going to be a special program highlighting the top news stories of the year on channel 6 tonight.

2- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

3- The English channel was rough when we came across.

4- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

5- procedureThe space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

6- discreetI've been channelling all my energy into renovating our new house for the last few weeks.

7- In the 1600s, the Church of San Petronio in Bologna was the most important center of chamber music in Italy.

8- channelThe old woman claims to be able to channel messages from people long dead.

9- It drives me crazy when you flick through the channels without watching any program for more than a few seconds.

10- In the mid 19th century, the waste for some 3 million Londoners was channelled into rivers that flowed into the Thames.

11- The space probe discovered numerous channels on Mars that closely resemble dry riverbeds on Earth.

12- Discussion question: Do you believe that it is possible for psychics to channel communications from the dead?It really bugs me when you change the television channel every few minutes.

13- There's a good show on channel six tonight.

14- She failed in her attempt to swim the channel.

15- Until the tenth century, the Christian Church was the main unifying force and channel of culture in Europe.

16- unionRock legend Eric Clapton is featured in a special concert on channel 5 tonight.

17- A railroad shuttle carrying 200 cars and 35 trucks through the channel Tunnel leaves England or France every 10 to 15 minutes during peak periods.

18- River systems are made up of a network of connecting channels.

19- conquerFind someone who is annoyed by people who channel surf.

20- annualThe ship sailed down the channel.

21- In the mid 19th century, the waste for some 3 million Londoners was channelled into rivers that flowed into the Thames.

22- akti Gawain once remarked that we will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.

23- My neighbor has a satellite dish that allows him to receive over 500 different television channels, but there's still nothing good on.

24- In January 1933, construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge, which spans the channel at the entrance to the San Francisco Bay.

25- River systems are made up of a network of connecting channels.

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