26- It really irritates me when you change channels every five minutes.

27- Piet Mondrian once said that the position of the artist is humble.

28- He is essentially a channel.

29- We paddled the canoe through a narrow channel, and into the open bay.

30- They hooked up a satellite on the roof of their house, and now they can get over 700 different channels.

31- Too bad there's still nothing good on.

32- Until the tenth century, the Christian Church was the main unifying force and channel of culture in Europe.

33- We paddled the canoe through a narrow channel, and into the open bay.

34- The President has been accused of channelling public funds into his private Swiss bank account.

35- Thoreau once suggested, "Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.

36- "Scientists say that France is slowly tilting northward, rising in the southern part, and sinking along the channel coast.

37- In the mid 19th century, the waste for some 3 million Londoners was channelled into rivers that flowed into the Thames.

38- Henry David Thoreau once stated that wherever there is a channel for water, there is a road for the canoe.

39- Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that every man is a channel through which heaven floweth.

40- I hate it when people use the television remote to surf through the channels without stopping.

41- It really annoys me when you change the television channel every five minutes.

42- This movie is stupid.

43- Change the channel.

44- A portion of the funds from the lottery will be channelled into amateur sports programs.

45- Lightning bolt charges can spread for over 90 miles, however, the actual channel of lightning is usually smaller than the width of a pen.

46- She tuned her television set to channel .

47- The tunnel under the English channel was built as a joint venture by the governments of Great Britain and France.

48- In 1891, a submarine was used to lay telephone cable along the seabed between England and France to prepare for the first telephone links across the English channel.

49- The boys were able to swim across the channel between the two islands in just under 30 minutes.

50- We took the crosschannel ferry from Dover to Calais.

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