1- The monster lives in a parallel universe which cannot be perceived by people in our dimension.

2- Sigmund Freud believed that the roots of human behavior lay in the mind's irrational, unconscious dimensions.

3- Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are perceived as superior on a variety of dimensions.

4- superviseHis measurements of the dimensions of the room were not very accurate.

5- We'd better check the dimensions of the room again before we start cutting this new carpet.

6- Oliver Wendell Holmes once suggested that man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.

7- Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are perceived as superior on a variety of dimensions.

8- The dimensions of a regulation doubles tennis court are 36' x 78'.

9- The monster lives in a parallel universe which cannot be perceived by people in our dimension.

10- The ancient Egyptians viewed death as a transition to a similar existence in a different dimension.

11- The dimensions of the tragedy of the terrorist attacks on New York are still difficult to comprehend.

12- Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked that man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.

13- Sony is working on new technology to produce video games that are truly three dimensional.

14- Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are perceived as superior on a variety of dimensions.

15- Discussion question: Talk about a person that you believe has a lot of dignity.

16- dimensionsWe'd better calculate the dimensions of the playground we're building, so we know how much gravel to put under the play structure.

17- The human brain perceives depth by looking at something with both eyes, creating a three-dimensional image.

18- The dimensions of the oil find are even greater than originally predicted.

19- The dimensions of the room are about 15 feet by 20 feet.

20- Homelessness is a multidimensional problem which cannot be resolved by simply passing laws against loitering.

21- She lives alone in a house of enormous dimensions.

22- It is impossible to really know the dimensions of the problem until we have spoken with all the people affected.

23- Your education will take on a new dimension when you begin to organize what you learn in your own way.

24- diminishThe dimensions of the locks in the Panama Canal limit the size of ships that can use the waterway.

25- George worked out the dimensions of the coffee table mathematically, so Terry could build it.

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