26- Diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and the plague killed millions of people in the days before vaccines were developed.

27- Most scientists agree that modern man evolved from apelike ancestors in a process that began millions of years ago.

28- The British government has had to slaughter millions of farm animals that are diseased.

29- Although dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, they are still very popular among children.

30- In order to understand our earth and the processes which operate upon it, one must attempt to comprehend time spans of millions of years.

31- millions of people in the Soviet Union died or disappeared during the regime of Joseph Stalin.

32- millions of years ago fearsome dinosaurs stalked the earth in the area where we are now standing.

33- The young hockey player has been besieged by contract offers worth millions of dollars.

34- Josef Stalin starved, deported, tortured and killed millions of people in his country in order to maintain his dictatorship.

35- Joseph Stalin was a cruel, ruthless leader responsible for the imprisonment or death of millions of Russians.

36- millions of workers died of starvation, disease, and exhaustion during the building of the Great Wall of China.

37- Apparently, Céline Dion's voice is insured for millions of dollars.

38- Whenever I feel bad, I try to remember that there are millions of people less fortunate than myself.

39- millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity.

40- The funeral of Mahatma Gandhi was attended by millions of people.

41- Today, through radio and television, mass advertising can reach millions of people at a time with its messages.

42- millions of workers died of starvation, disease, and exhaustion during the building of the Great Wall of China.

43- The tobacco lobby is spending millions of dollars in an effort to stop the government from suing tobacco companies for health costs related to illnesses caused by smoking.

44- The fierce Komodo dragons have survived for millions of years in Indonesia.

45- India broke away from Africa, slammed into Eurasia, and created the Himalaya Mountains millions of years ago.

46- slapDuring the years that he governed the Philippines, Fernand Marcos robbed his people of millions of dollars.

47- The damage inflicted on the tourism industry of Toronto by the SARS epidemic cost the city millions of dollars.

48- millions of meteorites fall against the outer limits of the atmosphere every day, and are burned up.

49- A woman's body has become a commodity which generates millions of dollars of profits for the American pornography business.

50- The funeral of Mahatma Gandhi was attended by millions of people.

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