76- Shale is a soft type of rock that often breaks into big flat pieces, and is formed when mud is pressed into rock over millions of years.

77- In our universe, there are thousands of millions of planets which have all the conditions necessary to make them habitable by known life forms.

78- His brilliant historical fiction has made the past come alive for millions of readers.

79- Our brain computes millions of bits of information every second of every day.

80- Lotteries have proven to be very lucrative for government, providing millions of dollars in tax revenues.

81- millions of children worldwide are being denied the opportunity to escape poverty, simply because they are unable to go to school.

82- The surface of the moon has been heavily battered by meteorites over a period of millions of years.

83- The conquest of Poland by the Nazis during the Second World War led to the extermination of millions of innocent people.

84- millions of children the world over are exposed to second-hand smoke.

85- expressIt cost millions of dollars to recreate the city of Troy for the film of that name.

86- It took millions of years for early hominids to evolve into modern man.

87- millions of people all over the world knew about Rev.

88- Martin Luther King and his beliefs.

89- Disposable diapers don't biodegrade, so there are millions of them in our dumps.

90- millions of people suffer from persistent irrational fears called phobias.

91- The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was watched by millions of viewers throughout the world.

92- Equating the former dictator with Adolf Hitler is absurd.

93- Hitler was responsible for the death of millions of people.

94- equipmentIn Northern Island, there is a series of rock columns formed by volcanic activity millions of years ago, known as the Giant's Causeway.

95- Canadian Rick Hansen has helped to raise millions of dollars for research into spinal cord injuries.

96- Hail destroys hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of crops and property each year.

97- Discussion question: How do you feel about governments that spend vast sums of money to explore other planets when millions of people are dying of starvation? exportNew vaccines may someday rid our planet of a number of those diseases that currently result in millions of deaths each year.

98- The brutal rule of Josef Stalin strengthened Russian dominance of the U.S.S.

99- R.

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