51- We are going to go to the Parliament Buildings tomorrow for a rally in support of homosexuals' right to marry.

52- According to new legislation in India, only people with 2 or fewer children will be eligible to become members of Parliament in the future.

53- 'Big Ben' is the name given to the large bell in the tower that forms part of the British Houses of Parliament.

54- toxicIn 1981, army officer Jerry Rawlings took over the government of Ghana, dissolved Parliament, and suspended the Constitution.

55- On November 25th, 1974, the British Parliament outlawed the IRA following the deaths of 21 people in a pub bombing in Birmingham three days previously.

56- Winners of the Nobel peace prize are selected each year by members of a committee appointed by the Norwegian Parliament.

57- We went to watch the political debate at the Parliament Buildings.

58- Parliament is debating a proposition which would prohibit smoking in public places.

59- The dissolution of Parliament was followed immediately by the Prime Minister's announcement of a fall election.

60- In Denmark, any political party which gains more than 2% of the total vote is guaranteed seats in Parliament.

61- The government undertook a drastic reform of Parliament.

62- BraveSentryToday Edinburgh is once again the home of Scottish Parliament for the first time in 300 years.

63- Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament.

64- liableThis session of Parliament will begin on September 2nd.

65- Parliament is debating a proposition which would prohibit smoking in public places.

66- prosecuteIn Denmark, any political party which gains more than 2% of the total vote is guaranteed seats in Parliament.

67- Iceland's National Assembly is the oldest surviving Parliament in the world.

68- Guy Fawkes, chief plotter in the attempt to blow up the British Houses of Parliament, was executed in 1606.

69- Find someone who has visited Parliament in any country.

70- paroleAs the Member of Parliament for Victoria, he maintains two residences, one here, and one in Ottawa, where he stays when the government is in session.

71- Parliament members had a raucous argument over the Wiretapping Law.

72- A member of the Opposition was accused of lying in Parliament today.

73- The legislation is expected to pass in Parliament sometime this week.

74- The Parliament Buildings are a beautiful stone construction which look especially impressive when lit up at night.

75- He was elected a member of Parliament.

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