26- Parliament has begun debate on amending the Constitution.

27- In 1660, the English Parliament called for the restoration of the monarchy, and invited Charles II to return from France.

28- Within the clock tower of Big Ben, there are jail cells where members of Parliament can be imprisoned.

29- Women in Sweden make up 40% of the members of Parliament, the highest percentage of any nation in the world.

30- The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in Parliament.

31- The issue was debated in Parliament without being resolved.

32- The Prime Minister is expected to dissolve Parliament, and call an election.

33- A light shining above the clock face of Big Ben in London indicates that the British Parliament is in session.

34- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and Parliamentary democracy.

35- The federal Parliament in Canada consists of the House of Commons and the Senate.

36- Parliament breaks for its summer recess in a week's time.

37- The Queen was escorted into Parliament by the Prime Minister.

38- Someone once remarked that power rests not in Parliament, but in big business and multinationals.

39- The Prime Minister has asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament in preparation for an election on June 12th.

40- He has held his seat as a Senator in Parliament for over 30 years.

41- She works as a Parliamentary assistant to the Deputy Minister of Finance.

42- The police chief is testifying before a Parliamentary committee which is looking at our current drug laws.

43- He was famous for his marathon speeches in Parliament.

44- BraveSentryParliament is now in session.

45- In 1911, the Parliament Act removed from the British House of Lords its absolute power of veto over legislation.

46- In 1642, war broke out in England between King Charles I and a large segment of the Parliament.

47- Guy Fawkes, chief plotter in the attempt to blow up the British Houses of Parliament, was executed in 1606.

48- The Prime Minister has a libel suit against a national magazine pending as a result of an article in which he was accused of lying to Parliament.

49- Protesters demonstrated against cuts to the education budget outside the Parliament Buildings today.

50- The Parliament Buildings tour is approximately 45 minutes long, depending on how many questions are asked.

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