26- The government is offering thousands of dollars to rebels who are willing to betray their leaders and join the fight against the revolution.

27- He is willing to stand by you.

28- I hope you are willing to communicate under these conditions because email is the most effective and convenient under different time zones.

29- I am willing to attend the meeting.

30- Bud Wilkinson once noted that for a team to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.

31- He is always willing to help others.

32- ChickenKievI am willing to help you with your work.

33- I assume you are willing to take the risk.

34- My sponsor was willing to agree to my suggestion.

35- A 1985 study done in the U.S. stated that women were generally more willing to hug than men.

36- She was unwilling to tell her name.

37- Thomas Kempis has remarked that all men commend patience, although few be willing to practice it.

38- Bertrand Russell once noted that patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.

39- A Greek writer once suggested that when a man is willing and eager, the gods join in.

40- I'm willing to help you if you want me to.

41- You will learn your lessons only in so far as you are willing to keep studying them.

42- Susan Roane once stated that the rewards go to the risk-takers, those who are willing to put their egos on the line, and reach out to other people and to a richer, fuller life for themselves.

43- The hijackers have not harmed any of the hostages, and seem willing to wait for the government to get its negotiators in place.

44- Your eligibility for parole will be largely determined by your behavior in prison and your willingness to change.

45- Psychology experiments show that people are surprisingly willing to inflict pain on others if an authority figure tells them to do it.

46- influenceOn few occasions was he willing to ask for any help.

47- They are willing to learn English.

48- George Lorimer once said that education is about the only thing lying around loose in the world, and it's about the only thing a fellow can have as much of as he's willing to haul away.

49- Discussion question: Would you be willing to fight and kill if your country were invaded by another country? inventThey have found some interested financiers who are willing to bankroll their new movie.

50- There are lots of opportunities to find work if you're willing to work hard.

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