51- She was always willing to help people in trouble.

52- He was willing to help others.

53- Nowadays, it seems there are fewer people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their country.

54- He was unwilling to go.

55- We're willing to help you.

56- Mike's willingness to see a marriage counselor revived Suzie's hopes that their marriage could be saved.

57- The exploitation of children in developing countries will continue as long as people are willing to buy products at a low price without caring about why they are so cheap.

58- It is important to treat your subordinates with respect if you expect them to obey you willingly.

59- These discussions have gone on far too long, and the union is not willing to negotiate any further.

60- She is willing to do odd jobs.

61- There is a German proverb which states that a friendly denial is better than unwilling compliance.

62- In the Bible, Jesus said to Peter, ".

63- .

64- .

65- the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

66- "She coaxed and wheedled her unwilling child into going to the dentist with her.

67- The devastating attacks on the World Trade Center illustrated just how vulnerable even the most powerful countries are to terrorists who are willing to die for their cause.

68- The peace process has been stalled by the leaders' unwillingness to compromise on a number of key issues.

69- They are willing to help us out.

70- He is willing enough.

71- There is a German proverb which states that a friendly denial is better than unwilling compliance.

72- Aeschylus once suggested that when a man is willing and eager, the gods join in.

73- Martin Luther King, Jr.

74- once said that the ultimate solution to the race problem lies in the willingness of men to obey the unenforceable.

75- He made it known to his friends that he was unwilling to run for the election.

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