51- He accumulated his fortune by hard work.

52- Thomas Edison once observed that there is no substitute for hard work.

53- He has made a fortune through hard work.

54- The Chinese are a hard working people.

55- The governor praised the police chief for his hard work and enduring professionalism over his forty year career.

56- He owes his success in large part to the hard work of his employees.

57- His hard work will make him.

58- Mr.

59- Jones' dismissal from the company was due to his frequent absences, and his lack of hard work.

60- We appreciate your hard work.

61- Runner Michael Johnson once remarked, "Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter, long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.

62- "His rapid advancement in the company is due purely to his hard work, and his ability to work under pressure.

63- Vikrem has carved himself an important place in this company through his hard work.

64- I was accustomed to hard work.

65- The hard work was worthwhile because I passed the exam.

66- They are accustomed to hard work.

67- The Protestant ethic emphasizes the virtues of hard work and self-discipline.

68- We attribute his success more to hard work than to genius.

69- The hard work began to tell on him.

70- He is a hard worker.

71- He attributed his success to hard work.

72- They're not afraid of hard work.

73- Bringing up a baby is hard work.

74- Tom was lean and fit after three months of hard work on a fishing boat.

75- He was a hard worker in his youth.

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