76- It has been said that opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.

77- It is through hard work that he succeeded, not through good luck.

78- His success is the result of hard work.

79- He is used to hard work.

80- I am not used to hard work.

81- Tired from the hard work, he went to bed earlier than usual.

82- The rewards of all your hard work in the garden are easy to see.

83- He is a hard worker, and I'm sure that he will succeed in that new job.

84- A good lunch helps to sustain me through an afternoon of hard work.

85- The leisured classes in this country seem to believe that the poor are poor simply due to a lack of hard work.

86- Barbara Jordan once suggested that there is no obstacle in the path of young people who are poor or members of minority groups that hard work and preparation cannot cure.

87- It is important for the children to learn the virtue of hard work.

88- It is a tribute to John's hard work that there are more cycling paths, and greater awareness of the needs of cyclists in this city.

89- He was able to climb to the top through his hard work and excellent business instincts.

90- Their grace comes from hard work, sweat, and pain.

91- He is framed for hard work.

92- My master inflicted hard work on me.

93- His success is simply due to his hard work.

94- B.

95- J.

96- Gupta once observed that hard work doesn't guarantee success, but improves its chances.

97- It is generally accepted that a person cannot be successful in life without a lot of hard work.

98- I have always identified hard work with success in life.

99- He is, indeed, a hard worker.

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