26- Discussion question: Do you believe in mysteries such as the Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, the Loch Ness monster, etc.

27- ?Victor Hugo once suggested that adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters.

28- The monster rose from the mud and went out in search of human flesh to eat.

29- The cow-monsters of Saturn love to graze on the skyscrapers of Earth.

30- The monster lives in a parallel universe which cannot be perceived by people in our dimension.

31- A monster hurricane destroyed the entire village.

32- Marie made a scary monster costume for her daughter to wear to the Halloween party.

33- The light from the streetlamps illuminated the figure of the monster as it crawled up the rocks towards the old castle.

34- In Greek mythology, Typhon is an ugly many-headed monster who was defeated and cast into the underworld by Zeus.

35- The mob of villagers set fire to the castle where the monster was believed to be hiding.

36- We could feel the heavy tread of the two-headed monsters shaking the ground beneath us as they approached from their spaceship.

37- There were deep, jagged grooves in the wood of the door where the monster had been clawing at it.

38- Find someone who has visited a famous monument.

39- monsterThe rocks the monsters were throwing in the movie were actually just hollow blocks of plastic.

40- Paan, when a certain condition is reached, can counter attack and eat the monsters chasing him.

41- We could feel the heavy tread of the two-headed monsters shaking the ground beneath us as they approached from their spaceship.

42- People of the earth - we must unite if we hope to be successful against this attack by the monsters of Pluto and Jupiter.

43- The next instant Hercules caught hold of the monster.

44- Poseidon caused King Minos' wife to fall in love with a bull, and the offspring of their unnatural union was the Minotaur, a monster which was half man and half bull.

45- The Loch Ness monster is one of the great mysteries of our time.

46- Does it really exist or is it just a hoax?Their little boy has a very vivid imagination and draws wonderful pictures of friendly monsters and ghosts.

47- The castle is really creepy.

48- It looks like a place where monsters would live.

49- John Hobbes maintained that men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call destiny.

50- Stewart is a very imaginative little boy who writes wonderful stories of aliens and monsters.

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