51- The threat of force is usually sufficient to secure the lawful conduct of most citizens.

52- Maintaining a separate language and culture is difficult without a sufficiently large ethnic concentration within a given area.

53- The admin staff is suggesting that the space which has been allocated for their offices in the new building is insufficient.

54- The funds are not sufficient for running a grocery.

55- The hockey player's 4-game suspension is sufficient punishment for the high-sticking incident.

56- The threat of force is usually sufficient to secure the lawful conduct of most citizens.

57- Two hours should be sufficient time to finish the work.

58- French playwright Moliere once remarked that people can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise.

59- A Supreme Court judge has ruled that there's sufficient evidence to extradite John Graham to the United States to stand trial for the murder of a woman in South Dakota almost 30 years ago.

60- Because just a few lines once a month are sufficient, if you write a blog, your ability in English will increase just from doing this.

61- Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.

62- The judge dismissed the charges, saying there was insufficient proof.

63- In the absence of sufficient data, the survey was given up.

64- Maintaining a separate language and culture is difficult without a sufficiently large ethnic concentration within a given area.

65- If a very large amount of memory is installed, an 'insufficient memory' error message is displayed.

66- C.

67- C.

68- Colton once observed that the slightest sorrow for sin is sufficient if it produces amendment, and the greatest insufficient if it does not.

69- Before overtaking another vehicle you should make sure the road is sufficiently clear ahead.

70- Arthur C.

71- Clarke once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

72- Although stars are continually losing mass, for most stars this loss of mass does not appear sufficient to alter the evolution of the star.

73- The police were unable to lay charges, due to insufficient evidence.

74- The membership voted to insert a clause which stated that a simple majority of 51% will be sufficient in the future.

75- Leopards can be found all over Africa, and in parts of South-East Asia, wherever there is sufficient tree cover for them to hide in.

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