26- Averil Coxhead has noted that second language learners need to see new vocabulary in a wide range of contexts in order to remember it.

27- So-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

28- societyOne's values should be viewed in the context of one's culture.

29- Gerry has created a vocabulary database which looks at essential English vocabulary in context.

30- Get the meaning of a word from its context.

31- We can only understand his decision if we look at the context of the social policies of his era.

32- Schools provide a context for the operation of youth subculture.

33- Children are generally socialized in informal contexts, such as with the family, babysitters and peer groups.

34- One's values should be viewed in the context of one's culture.

35- By examining a judicious selection of contexts, one can gain insight into the meaning and usage of new vocabulary.

36- The newspaper took his comments completely out of context and made him look really bad.

37- The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used.

38- The software program allows you to work interactively, inserting the vocabulary into sentences in context.

39- interfereWhen indicating 'tense' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'timespecifying words' and also many cases where it depends on context.

40- Scientist Carl Sagan once noted that it is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English, up to fifty words used in correct context, no human being has been reported to have learned Dolphinese.

41- Averil Coxhead has noted that second language students need to read a lot so they encounter new words many times in context.

42- Paul Nation states that knowing a word includes knowing what the word means in the particular context in which it has just occurred.

43- partnerWhen learning new vocabulary, look at the context, talk to a native speaker or ask a classmate what a word means, only use a dictionary as the last resort.

44- It is important to learn a process which will help you to deduce the meaning of new vocabulary from context.

45- You should learn some contextual clues to help you differentiate between different parts of speech for English vocabulary which is unfamiliar to you.

46- My ESL instructor emphasizes learning vocabulary in context, rather than simply memorizing definitions.

47- His remarks seem quite strange until you see the context in which they were said, and realize that it was all a big joke.

48- Seeing vocabulary in different contexts can help you understand how the words are used.

49- It can help in learning new vocabulary to associate the new word with the context in which it was used.

50- Michael McCarthy wrote that the purpose of vocabulary learning should include both remembering words and the ability to use them automatically in a wide range of language contexts when the need arises.

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