76- Ground plan and works of art The villa's front stretched for more than 250 meters, parallel to the coastline.

77- Helicopters from the Brunswick County Sheriff's Office monitored the coastline Monday.

78- Helicopters would concentrate on searching the coastline of southern Borneo, it said.

79- He's counted more than a dozen reported sightings along the New Jersey coastline this summer.

80- Hurricanes on the Pacific coast are less frequent and often less violent than those affecting Mexico's eastern coastline.

81- In 1866, the Spanish Navy shelled ports on Peru 's and Chile 's coastlines, including the port of Lima.

82- In the health sector, São José dos Campos is the focal point of the Northern coastline and Southern Minas Gerais regions.

83- It is critical to the protection of California's coastline that CDFG receive assets and personnel to do the job.

84- It is run by Blackpool Transport as part of the Metro coastlines, owned by Blackpool Council.

85- It is the only Central American country that does not have a Caribbean coastline.

86- It laid bare the extent of the flooding in the city and all along the coastline.

87- It runs in a north-south direction in the country, near but not on Brazil's coastline.

88- Land The parish's 5 mile coastline is one of the most impressive and varied in the federation.

89- Most businesses near the coastline were closed prior to the announcement.

90- Most of the structural damage occurred near the coastline on the Florida Peninsula, due to intense surge.

91- On the south it ends abruptly at the Mediterraenan, forming a broken and abrupt coastline.

92- Orissa is blessed with around 500 km long coastline and has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

93- Parts of the coastline dropped many feet and became inundated with saltwater.

94- Several small rivers run into the sea along the coastline, but none are navigable and none provide useful natural harbours.

95- Since the disaster, oil tankers similar to the Prestige have been directed away from the French and Spanish coastlines.

96- Since the hotel's rocky coastline made it difficult to reach the sea, a cove was blasted from the rock.

97- Spills remain a serious threat to the marine environment and Australian coastline.

98- Standing on the deck, his weary eyes beheld a vision of beauty as the emerald green of the Kerry coastline came into view.

99- Tempered by the ocean, particularly on the coastline, maximum temperatures in summer rarely exceed 35 degrees Celsius.

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