51- There have been six deaths in eight days between Aug. 16 and Aug. 24 on the province's lakes, rivers and coastlines.

52- This would leave Ukraine with about 450 kilometres of coastline to the west of Crimea.

53- What we saw was a very slow moving weather front stalling just off the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia.

54- You can tell the severity of the gales by the damage to the coastline - it's just being battered away.

55- The Saudi-led coalition is in control of Yemen's airspace and coastline.

56- ;September 12 Hurricane Isabel making landfall on the North Carolina coastline :*8 p.m.

57- 60 - 70 m below present sea levels and 10-25 km from present coastline) that is arguably colder than during M2.

58- A few kilometers south stands another monument to the natural forces at work on this coastline.

59- A vast region of South Australia with national parks, historic buildings, spectacular coastline and beaches.

60- A week out of Bermuda, the rather slow "Sirene" reached the American coastline off Bowford, North Carolina.

61- After making landfall, the storm paralleled the coastline, and rapidly weakened to a tropical storm.

62- After the bridge, State Road A1A heads back to the coastline.

63- Agriculture developed away from Perth in places like the Avon Valley and along the southwest coastline.

64- Along the coastline, heavy rainfall and strong waves caused extensive property damage.

65- Ancestor of Roy Thomson 1911 Encyclopaedia entry Geography The coastline measures 21 miles (34 km).

66- As in the previous war, it took up positions guarding the coastlines, but its duties soon grew more numerous.

67- Begue had been cleaning the coastline when the aircraft debris was spotted.

68- But it has battered communities along the many coastlines on its path.

69- But this time, the corgis were spread over nearly a mile of the coastline.

70- Coast Guard rescued 113 survivors in the shallow waters off the Turks and Caicos Islands coastline.

71- Consequently the coastline is receding extremely quickly, threatening residents and the local tourism industry.

72- Cook later mapped the complete New Zealand coastline, making only some minor errors.

73- Effigy and Green Lantern battled across Hollywood and down to the coastline.

74- Estepona is renowned for its beaches, which stretch along some 21 km of coastline.

75- From April to October, deep ocean swells pound the south facing coastlines.

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