76- I am very grateful to be able to look out at our beautiful common area, go to the pool or tennis courts and walk on the lovely paths.

77- 538486 Other reasons included the loss of the hold course for the high school golf team, loss of event pavilion, swimming pool and tennis courts.

78- The school has two gymnasiums, two playing fields, four tennis courts, a basketball court, and a quarter mile gravel track.

79- Private tennis courts are located on High Street; netball and basketball courts also abound in the city's major high schools.

80- Other facilities include tennis courts and the school sports hall, and women's aerobic classes are held at the community centre.

81- The fair is held on the fairgrounds near the Samuel Wentworth Library and the tennis courts and the field after the fire station.

82- The old tennis courts which had become over ran by weeds and cracks were torn down and this state of the art complex was completed.

83- Behind the buildings are the school playing fields, which separate the swimming pool and the tennis courts from the academic areas.

84- Along with the residence halls, the campus also has a pool, sand volleyball area, tennis court, jogging track and a dining commons.

85- Eager to move into the new property, seminarians helped with their own hands to dig the swimming pool and surface the tennis court.

86- In Donetsk, the USSR Tennis Championship took place within the city in 1978, 1979, and 1980 near the Donetsk Railroad tennis courts.

87- Among these are two sand filled astroturf pitches, a six lane synthetic athletics track, a swimming pool and numerous tennis courts.

88- The campus has a swimming pool, basketball court, lawn tennis court, fine art complex, library, laboratory, dining hall, and gardens.

89- Also there are tennis courts, a playground, and a jetty for cruisers which have travelled from Carrick on Shannon via Leitrim Village.

90- Permission was granted by Mr Herbert Marriage, tenant of Moulsham Lodge, for the use of a field behind the tennis courts in the grounds.

91- The Resort is also equipped with 2 tennis courts and a gazebo, providing tourists with an excellent view of the lake and beautiful sunrises.

92- The second phase which included tennis courts, basketball courts, and a natatorium, ran out of funding and will be completed at a later date.

93- Fordham offices are also housed at 33 W. 60th St and 888 W. 57th St. The Lincoln Center campus also has two outdoor basketball and tennis courts.

94- There's also a two-bedroom guesthouse, pool, spa, and tennis court.

95- Inmates have individual rooms, tennis courts, terraces and barbecues.

96- Te Poi Memorial Hall 2009 Te Poi has a public tennis court.

97- tennis courts are flooded in winter to create a skating rink.

98- The golf course also includes public clay tennis courts and a boating club.

99- The complex also has tennis courts and a running trail.

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