26- The reason which is most often cited for using animals in scientific research is for experimental control.

27- The team of scientists had to completely reformulate its hypothesis after analyzing the results of their experiments.

28- Albert Camus observed that you cannot acquire experience by making experiments.

29- You cannot create experience.

30- You must undergo it.

31- He persisted in the experiment until he was successful.

32- The first point that requires clarification is that the design was purely experimental.

33- From the viewpoint of tissue culture, the environment for this experiment should be more rigidly defined.

34- While we were performing our experiments in the lab in London, similar tests were being run concurrently in both Berlin and Tokyo.

35- The experiment was successful.

36- As a beginning I would like to examine the catalyzer used in this experiment.

37- He accidentally shrank his kids to the size of insects during a scientific experiment that went wrong.

38- A scientist once said that a magician pulls rabbits out of hats, whereas an experimental psychologist pulls habits out of rats.

39- The results of the experiment were published in a prestigious science journal.

40- Both tried one experiment after another, helping each other.

41- Individuals who participate in a psychology experiment generally have certain expectations about what will happen.

42- All his energies were devoted to the experiment.

43- He is carrying out experiments in his laboratory.

44- Improper controls during the testing procedure invalidated the results of the experiment.

45- Anthropologist Colin Turnbull once suggested that civilization is very much an immature and ongoing experiment, the success of which is by no means yet proven.

46- The United States conducted its first test of an experimental atomic bomb at 5:30 a.

47- m.

48- on July 16th, 1945.

49- He began experimenting in making better roads.

50- We have been experimenting with different kinds of vegetable drinks since we bought an electric juicer.

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