26- 4) Being able to criticise those in power or dominant ideas should be upheld as the essence of free speech.

27- A director at the agency said it came down to people's free speech and assembly rights under the First Amendment.

28- A victory for free speech and individual Americans.

29- A-listers may be furious, but this is not the first time the American ideal of free speech has seen a culture clash.

30- Although the Human Rights Act is the best legal safeguard we have for free speech, they want it repealed.

31- An attack, in other words, on the very organs of free speech.

32- Are campaign donations a form of free speech?

33- Attack sparks debate on free speech limits By JILL LAWLESS 19 hours ago LONDON (AP) - Are we all Charlie now?

34- But he found his calling as a writer, focusing on free speech.

35- But others think trolling is an art form, a way of defending free speech.

36- Content preferences Done WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. says changes to Malaysia's Sedition Act threaten free speech there.

37- For Now The IRS has shelved rules aimed at limiting free speech, but there's no guarantee they won't be revived.

38- Goldwater attorney Kurt Altman says the removal and notes placed in his file violate McQueen's free speech rights.

39- HFPA President Theo Kingma drew a standing ovation for pledging support to free speech 'from North Korea to Paris.'

40- His right to free speech is not being denied.

41- However, the downside is that you are rendered powerless against the buffoonery that comes with free speech.

42- Human Rights Watch said Monday the detentions would harm media freedom and free speech in Turkey.

43- I fully support free speech, even if it is offensive to some.

44- It also raised questions about double standards in free speech.

45- It is not the first time the controversial legislator has tested the limits of liberal Dutch free speech laws.

46- It was a powerful experience for them in their right to free speech.

47- It's not our site's goal to be a completely free speech platform.

48- Justice Stephen Breyer said the state's decision to reject the group's plate did not violate its free speech rights.

49- Keel said threats to kill or injure public officials or their relatives are not protected by free speech rights.

50- Many filmgoers and theater owners said they supported the film in the name of free speech.

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