1- The fire center's July 1 forecast calls for above-normal wildfire danger in the Northwest for July through September.

2- Above-normal tornadoes are anticipated again this year.

3- Most parts of the globe had above-normal precipitation during the decade .

4- Above-normal tides caused minor flooding and erosion along the Florida Keys.

5- Near to above-normal rainfall northwest half and near to below normal southeast.

6- South Asia and southeastern Australia also receive above-normal rainfall .

7- The typhoon also produced above-normal precipitation on Saipan.

8- December is likely to feature above-normal warmth across much of the entire West.

9- Although more common since 1995, few above-normal hurricane seasons occurred during 1970–94.

10- This qualifies this season as above-normal .

11- Against a prediction of 98%, the country recorded an above-normal 106% rainfall.

12- The shot of cooler, seasonable air will be a shock to many after a prolonged period of above-normal temperatures.

13- Cox said above-normal rainfall this year is one reason for the frequent finds.

14- Hawaii and parts of the Southwest and Alaska are also at above-normal risk.

15- 937888 With the onset of El Niño this summer, AccuWeather.com meteorologists expect above-normal tropical activity in the eastern Pacific.

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